Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!

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Destroyer (Flying Destroyer): 11/23 - In the house!

Hello!  I am Flying Destroyer!  I know! It's a pretty tough name for such a sweet guy like me!!!  I am a tall, playful, happy guy who loves playing with my humans and foster sisters!  This is me with my rather petite foster sister!

We could play with squeaky toys all day!!!  They are the most fun!!!  But foster mom does not like when I try to liberate the squeaker from the toy to eat it!

I usually go for long walks with my three foster sisters.  We find the absolute best "stuff" to sniff!!!!  I like walking on the leash with my human and she says I do pretty good!  I don't try to chase things very often but foster mom holds on to the leash tight just in case!

I am an easy going guy and can get comfortable pretty much anywhere!

Nothing to see here.....just taking a wee cat nap!

This is me watching foster mom fix dinner to make sure she didn't skimp on ingredients!

So to sum it up, I am an easy going guy!  I love hanging out with my humans as well as playing with my sisters!  I especially like when my humans talk to me!  It makes me feel special and connected!  My three favorite things are going for walks, playing with toys and taking naps!!! I am a strong, tall boy but can be gentle too!!  Foster mom promises to get some outdoor pics so you can see how handsome I really am!!!  So stay tuned for more!!!

Burnie (Par Burn it Down): 11/15 - Can’t wait for tomorrow

Burnie here. I’m looking forward to tomorrow, I hear it’s a big day! Although truth be told, I look forward to every day! Each day is a new adventure when you’re a smart, curious, boy like me.

I have learnt so many things with my foster parents over the past couple of weeks, but the thing I’m looking forward to most is meeting my forever family and starting a new life with them. I have my quirks, but apparently I’m “everything you could ever ask for”.

Goodnight for now. Hope to see you tomorrow morning!


Flash (Ja's Green Flash): 11/15 - Lots and lots of love

Hi again,

Has anyone told you my secret power?  It's lovin' on everyone and everything!  
I love warm hugs and this guy gives the best snuggles!


I especially do love the little one, 
he's the perfect size to give gentle little kisses to💗


And I really love the toys and stuffies ....
  ~ sometimes I love to throw them around 
~ sometimes I love just cuddling up with them 

I also love treats!  
I know what's in that big box!!

Know what else I love?
Hearing that I might have my forever family real soon!

Lots and Lots of Love,

PS - Did anyone mention that I love kids?

Dory (Aussie Dory): 11/15 - I’m aDORYble!

As the title of my post indicates, I am, in fact, aDORYble!

I’m snuggle-able!

 That’s me in the cute PJs.

 One of these things is not like the others... And, one is me! There’s Clipper on the left, then ME, then Azor, and pesky little Inky on the right.

 Look at this face!❤ (Check out my foster brother’s bald heiney back there!😆)

Legend (CG's Legend): 11/13 - I think he has an itch

So just about every night

He dose the same routine

and it just keeps getting well more interesting

Burnie (Par Burn it Down): 11/13 - Keeping warm

It’s Burnie, and it’s cold! I’ve needed my jacket the last couple of days when I’ve been out exploring. I look amazing though, and I’m sure you’ll agree! I’ve also been keeping warm by running around in the yard playing fetch 🎾 🐶.

I’ve also discovered peanut butter. Although sometimes my foster parents laugh when I’m eating it. What’s that about?!

- Burnie

Flash (Ja's Green Flash): 11/10 - Perfecting retirement

Dear Forever Home,

I would like to request the following things for my retirement, if possible:
1- Lots of time outside, there’s so many things to see and explore
2- Lots of petting when I lay my head in your lap (you might even catch me falling asleep while I’m standing because it feels so good)
3- A Kong ball I can chew on non-stop while you try to watch tv (it’s size “large”)
4- Stuffies that I can make a pile with on a big fluffy comforter (I like that even more than the big orange bed)
5- If you do have a big bed, I will need to make it perfect before I lay down.

If you could have these things I would really really love you ... then again, I’ll love you and my new forever home!!!

This is from my first night at my foster home:

Can’t wait to check out my forever home and all the fun things you have!


Burnie (Par Burn it Down): 11/9 - Weekend with Burnie

Burnie here, it’s the one week anniversary with my foster parents! Apparently they are impressed with how well I’m doing. I’m already getting better on the leash and chilling out (a little!) around all the squirrels.

Even though I’m a little “too curious” in the kitchen, and keep putting my face on counter tops, my house manners are pretty good! I don’t really make much noise, and I’m still sleeping through the night. My foster parents had to work this week and I made sure the house was as they left it when they came home. A dog walker came for me and my foster sister each day and she said I’m “charming”!

A few things are still a mystery to me, like those terrifying stairs, plus having to pee in the backyard before going to bed every night. It’s cold AND dark!

It’s been a busy weekend already: walks around the neighborhood, visit to the farmers market, eating, and playing catch in the yard. It’s time for a nap to recharge!


Legend (CG's Legend): 11/3 Legend is a lover

Legend loves to snuggle well Legon loves everything meeting new people and new dogs small and large.

If you approach Legend when he is lying on a bed you will be greeted with his love me pose.

If this happens you may be required rub his belly. This goes for anyone even tiny hands work.

Legend (CG's Legend): 11/8 - Crabby sweater

So Legend is a very quorous boy and was poking around in the office and he found this old sweater and started dragging it around like a toy. SO he must have wanted put it on, it is sweater weather after all.

Burnie (Par Burn it Down): 11/6 - Burnie the Explorer

It’s Burnie again, and this is my face! I’m actually pretty hard to take photos of when I’m outside as I don’t really like to stand still. My foster parents say I’m a curious hound who likes to explore!

I got to explore the pet shop and sniff all the stuff in there. I was on my best behavior until I spotted a big bag of food and tried to chew through the packaging. Explorers gotta explore!

Even though I’m a good explorer I’m still working on my confidence. Sometimes I’ll stop like a statue if I hear a noise I don’t like. Going for walks at night is fine but maybe a little scary. I’m a little more cautious and don’t pull on the leash as much.

I think my perfect forever family will be happy to let me go exploring, but also be confident enough to guide me though some of the strange and scary things out there! Oh, and most importantly, let me sleep it all off at the end of the day! 💤 

Flash (Ja's Green Flash): 11/4 - I am here!

Wow!  What a journey! 
 It's been very exciting the last few days.  
So many new things and new friends.  
It was amazing seeing everything on the way to my foster's. 
 I just loved watching everything go by and enjoyed every second of it!

I did get a bit sleepy after a while so curled up, 
rested my head on the seat and 
fell asleep for the rest of the ride home.

At my foster's home, I got to meet 4 (yes 4!) other dogs.  
2 are greyhounds just like me (except much bigger) 
but they are just as happy as me too and we all bounced around for a little bit!
The other 2 are smaller pittie mixes (I'm still taller than them though)
but they are so cute and were so happy to meet me!
I also met 2 fluffies that I was told are cats and not meant to be chased like at the track.  
No matter, I'm retired and didn't much care about them anyways.
And, I met a little guy - he's 11 and I really like him too.
(He's much smaller than the big humans)

I loved exploring the backyard - lots of new smells and sounds, 
so different than the track.  
I could stay out there for hours 
but have to come in because they keep telling me 
"it's too cold to stay outside too long right now"
O-well, I'll just have to settle for hanging out ... 
and getting first dibs on the awesome orange bed!

Hope to hang out in my forever home real soon!


Burnie (Par Burn it Down): 11/3 - Meet Burnie

Hi! I’m Burnie. My racing name was ‘Feel the Burn’. I’m big, handsome, brindle, and full of life! I’ve been in my foster home for a couple of days now, and I’ve been working non-stop to show my foster parents how amazing I am. Going for long walks-check! Eating my dinner and breakfast in 4.3 seconds-check! Sleeping through the night-check! 🐶

Even though I’m amazing apparently I need “a little work” in a few areas, like pulling on the leash and keeping my nose (and sometimes paws!) off the counters. I’m a quick learner though, so I’m sure I’ll get better really soon.

The thing about me is that while I’m big and strong, I can be gentle and have a heart of gold. I love to wag my tail and be close to my foster parents at all times. I even tried to nap with my foster sister last night, although I was too big for the bed!

This whole retirement thing is super new to me, but I’m looking forward to learning more about it, and finding my forever family soon!

- Burnie.