xX Shaelee Xx
Windy Trixie
Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!
For more information about GEGR,
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PS. Don't forget to spread the word about all this cuteness on the blog! Please share blog posts on your personal social media accounts (links below each post) and like the GEGR Facebook page or follow us on Twitter for notifications when the blog is updated.
Shaelee: 10/30 - Excuse me...
Alright FM. Did you really have to disturb me during me pre-bedtime nap?
Shaelee: 10/29 - Today wasn't my day
So today wasn't my day to find my furever family. I met a few families but we didn't click. That's okay though. I came back home with my FM. Stay tuned for pictures and pupdates!

Now I'm going to take a nap with Zoey.
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/28 - Tomorrow may be my day!
It's adoptathon day tomorrow! Maybe I'll meet my furever family there! FM said I've got to show everyone my sweet puppy dog eyes. It's bound to win someone over! In the meantime, I'm going to lay here and dream of my furever family.
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/26 - www.gegr.org ~ The #1 Trusted Matching Site for Those That Love Greyhounds
Sign up for free to find a black, white, red, fawn, brindle, or blue greyhound here at www.gegr.org, an online matching site meant for greyt families that love retired racers.
Q. What is your full name?
A. Shady Shaelee. I haven't heard it much since retiring. FM doesn't even use it to get my attention.
Q. How old are you?
A. 5 years, 6 months, but I act like I'm a toddler.
Q. What's your height and weight?
A. Approximately 28 inches from the ground to the top of my head for my height and I weigh about 62 pounds.
Q. What's your occupation?
A. Retired racing dog, but I ran in 166 races before I retired. For 26 of those races, I came in 1st place! My very last race was the day before I retired.
Q. What's your income?
A. I'm retired so I rely on my good looks and sweet puppy dog eyes to keep me in dog treats, comfy beds, and regular meals.
Q. Do you have any children?
A. No kids for me. After I retired, I wasn't chosen to be a brood mom.
Q. Any medical issues?
A. Nope.
Q. Do you have any tattoos?
A. I have tattoos in my ears, and I was feeling pretty special about them. FM hurt my feelings not long ago, though. She said that all of the former racing greyhounds have tattoos. #WayToBurstMyBubbleFM #ButIAmSpecial
Q. Who are your parents?
A. Trent Lee and Craigie Memory
Q. Do you have any siblings?
A. I have 6 brothers and sisters, and 4 half siblings.
Note: You can check out my pedigree at http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1928338.
Q. What's your marital status?
A. Single but I don't have time for the boys. Please don't try to match me up with anyone. I just want to be footloose and fancy-free! #AllTheSingleLadies
Q. What is the first thing people notice about you?
A. My sweet, adorable face. No one can resist me.
Note from FM: You don't stand a chance resisting her because she's all up in everyone's business.
Q. What are your three best life skills?
A. My ability to help mom carry the dog food when she has a bag of it in her hands, getting everyone's attention with my bouncy little self, and my love of all people big and small.
Q. What's the most important thing you're looking for in a family?
A. I would love to have someone or some people to love me, spoil me, play with me, feed me, walk me, and did I mention love me? I'm all about kisses, hugs, and if you don't mind, snuggling with you on the couch. I also travel really well so let's talk road trips!
Q. How do you typically spend your leisure time?
A. Sleeping, pulling out and playing with all of the toys that squeak, and helping FM wherever she goes.
Q. Do you have any issues with sharing?
A. I'm okay, but still learning. Olive has been really nice and lets me have the toys when I come up and ask for them.
So enough about me. Can you tell me about you? I'd love to find my furever family this weekend!
xX Shaelee Xx
Q. What is your full name?
A. Shady Shaelee. I haven't heard it much since retiring. FM doesn't even use it to get my attention.
Q. How old are you?
A. 5 years, 6 months, but I act like I'm a toddler.
My pouty face when FM wouldn't share her food.
Q. What's your height and weight?
A. Approximately 28 inches from the ground to the top of my head for my height and I weigh about 62 pounds.
Q. What's your occupation?
A. Retired racing dog, but I ran in 166 races before I retired. For 26 of those races, I came in 1st place! My very last race was the day before I retired.
Q. What's your income?
A. I'm retired so I rely on my good looks and sweet puppy dog eyes to keep me in dog treats, comfy beds, and regular meals.
Q. Do you have any children?
A. No kids for me. After I retired, I wasn't chosen to be a brood mom.
Q. Any medical issues?
A. Nope.
Q. Do you have any tattoos?
A. I have tattoos in my ears, and I was feeling pretty special about them. FM hurt my feelings not long ago, though. She said that all of the former racing greyhounds have tattoos. #WayToBurstMyBubbleFM #ButIAmSpecial
Q. Who are your parents?
A. Trent Lee and Craigie Memory
Q. Do you have any siblings?
A. I have 6 brothers and sisters, and 4 half siblings.
Note: You can check out my pedigree at http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1928338.
Q. What's your marital status?
A. Single but I don't have time for the boys. Please don't try to match me up with anyone. I just want to be footloose and fancy-free! #AllTheSingleLadies
Q. What is the first thing people notice about you?
A. My sweet, adorable face. No one can resist me.
Note from FM: You don't stand a chance resisting her because she's all up in everyone's business.
Q. What are your three best life skills?
A. My ability to help mom carry the dog food when she has a bag of it in her hands, getting everyone's attention with my bouncy little self, and my love of all people big and small.
Q. What's the most important thing you're looking for in a family?
A. I would love to have someone or some people to love me, spoil me, play with me, feed me, walk me, and did I mention love me? I'm all about kisses, hugs, and if you don't mind, snuggling with you on the couch. I also travel really well so let's talk road trips!
Q. How do you typically spend your leisure time?
A. Sleeping, pulling out and playing with all of the toys that squeak, and helping FM wherever she goes.
Q. Do you have any issues with sharing?
A. I'm okay, but still learning. Olive has been really nice and lets me have the toys when I come up and ask for them.
So enough about me. Can you tell me about you? I'd love to find my furever family this weekend!
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/23 - Vacation!
I bet you've wondered where I've been, but I promise I didn't go far. I'm on vacation! FM has gotten several pupdates, and I've been doing really well. I found the toy box and all the squeaky toys. I've also been really nice to the resident greyhound, Goldie. Ms. P said that I'm a really sweet girl who acts like a 2-year old toddler. FM completely agrees. #IDontSeeAProblemHere
Hope everyone else has as much fun on vacation as I have!
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/19 - Quiet Wednesday
Today was a quiet day. You know how it goes...spend the day hanging out in your crate, have a peanut butter kong waiting for FM to get home, run her over with kisses when she does, have dinner, play with toys, then take a pre-bedtime nap.
Hope everyone else had an easy day too. I'm headed to bed soon, and I'll be dreaming of my furever family.
xX Shaelee Xx
Howie: 10/19 - is looking for his forever home!
Howie continues to do great in foster care while he's learning all the rules of living in a house rather than at the kennel. He loves toys and cushy dog beds. He also love looking out the window at the big world out there. He is large but super snuggly. He will roll over onto his belly so I can give him belly rubs. He loves to be brushed and will stand like a statue while being groomed. He is also learning that he has to share all the good stuff that retirement allows. At the track they don't share anything, space, food, toys, treats so all this is new to him. He's learning.
Howie is looking for a family who will enjoy a big dog with a bigger heart. He's really looking...
Howie is looking for a family who will enjoy a big dog with a bigger heart. He's really looking...
Shaelee: 10/18 - My Tuesday
Hey everyone. What I thought was going to be a quiet day turned into a busy one when FM got home. I'm glad I rested all day so that I had lots of energy!
She had to go by the vet with Olive tonight, and took me with her. She said that I needed to get out and see other things. As always I traveled really well in the car with Olive. Once we got there I was all about exploring the office. I even stood on the table over and over while we were waiting. Then I helped the vet put in her notes about Olive.
FM said that I do much better at the vet than Olive does. #YayMe
Once we got home, Charger and Princess came over with their mom. While FM looked at Charger's "ouch" Princess and I proceeded to empty the toy box and play.
Okay so maybe Princess played more than I did.
Once I was done, I decided to lay down with Zoey since all of the good spots were taken.
Photobombed by Princess.
Zoey and I hanging out together.
Hope everyone else had a fun night like I did. I love outings with Olive and playing with my new friends!
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/18 - My Monday
Let me start by saying that I spent last night sleeping by FM in that comfy bed she made me. During the night I grabbed one of her extra pillows and claimed it as my own.

My day was spent in my crate waiting on FM to get home. I was so excited to see her when she got home! Before she let me out, I reminded her that I was here by using my loudest bark. She quickly let me out, and I did my best zoomies for her.
Once we all came in from our outs, FM had a present for us. See she gets this thing called BarkBox every month. This months Box showed up and OMG! The toys! There were two Halloween toys in it...one for me and one for Olive! We took turns with the toys and squeaked and squeaked them until FM questioned her life choices.
After I played with the first toy, I decided I really liked the second toy. FM had to fight with me to get me to let it go.
After dinner, I discovered the rest of the toy box. I've spent the last 30 minutes cleaning it out. I hope FM has lots of practice picking up.
Now it's time for bed. I'm wiped, and I think FM is too. She said all my playing tonight wore her out. I told her that I was happy to help.
Hope everyone sleeps well. I'll be dreaming of my furever family!
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/16 - Still figuring it out
When it was time for bed tonight, I couldn't figure out where to lay down. There are a couple of dog beds to choose from along with just laying on the floor. FM said her bed wasn't one of my options. I gave her my best sad face, and she just ignored me.
After lots of pacing, FM thought that maybe I wanted to lay beside her bed so she made up a spot for me. Yup. That's one smart FM. Once she had it all set, I made myself right at home.
Looks like maybe I've found my favorite spot to sleep at night. I'll keep you posted. I might have to try out the nice dog beds again.
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/16 - Sunday = Funday!
I had such a fun day today! Where do I begin? Let's start with o'dark thirty this morning. I whined at foster mom before the sun even came up. I was ready for her to get up, and she wasn't. Doesn't she know us athletes have to maintain our stamina? I can't do that if she won't get up and feed me when I'm ready. Eventually she got up and grumbled at me. She said that I'm going to have to learn to sleep in until at least when the sun comes up.
Then FM took me to a meet and greet at the St. Mary's County Oyster Festival. She took Olive with us along with Charger and his mom. Us pups had a lot fun getting all kinds of love and attention. There were lots of people that stopped by to see us. FM and Charger's mom spent the whole time educating people about our breed. I think us four-leggers were all greyt ambassadors today.
On our way to the fairgrounds! I loved going for a car ride. That's Olive beside me and Charger photobombed us.
Enjoying the sun in between visitors.
Getting some pettins.
There was so much going on that Charger and I were more interested in what was going on outside of our area. We saw some horses go by, and we all barked at them! After a few hours, we were all ready to leave.
When we were headed home, I sat for a few minutes and looked out the windows before settling down.
Once home we all took pre-dinner naps. A girl has to rest up for meal time you know. Hope your Sunday was a funday too!
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/16 - New FM to hangout with
Hey everyone. I went to the adoptathon yesterday, but my furever family wasn't there. That's okay. I know the perfect family just hasn't applied yet. Paws crossed they do for the next one.
I went home with a new FM, and got to meet her girls. One is a greyhound named Olive and the other is a Lhasa Apso named Zoey.
I spent a little while in the crate while I first got here.
We had company tonight and I made 2 new friends.
Every time I sleep in this bed, my backend falls off the back.
So that's it for now. Hope everyone else has a good day today. I'll keep you up to date on how I'm doing at my new place!
xX Shaelee Xx
Shaelee: 10/14 - Ball!
Hey all!
So my FoMa tells me tomorrow is the big day! I might be able to get a forever family of my own! So excited to meet all the wonderful people and find my perfect family.
So today foster mom finally explained this ball thing to me! I kept hearing these weird squeaks all week and today finally figured it out! I am so excited since my FoMa says my new home will have balls too!
Till tomorrow,
xX Shaelee Xx
So my FoMa tells me tomorrow is the big day! I might be able to get a forever family of my own! So excited to meet all the wonderful people and find my perfect family.
So today foster mom finally explained this ball thing to me! I kept hearing these weird squeaks all week and today finally figured it out! I am so excited since my FoMa says my new home will have balls too!
Till tomorrow,
xX Shaelee Xx
Blaze: 10/14 Summer Memories
It seems it was just a few short weeks ago when Blaze was doing this:
"I love the big water bowl!"
While she turned in circles Blaze kept her nose in the water and ended up snorting it up her nose.
"Water, water, water . . . I love it . . . maybe not up my nose."
Blaze is a puppy at heart and is ready to give that heart to her forever family.
Howie: 10/14 - Happy hour
Yesterday, foster mom brought me and my foster brother to a place called the pet store. It's not too far from our house and I can't believe it took her two weeks to bring me there! Let me tell you about this pet store…it was AMAZING! It had lots of toys and treats and in case I haven't told you, those are two of my favorite things. My foster brother is kind of softy, but let me tell you -- He is VIP at the pet store! They knew him by name and he got us free treats. There were even drinks poured out in bowls all over the store for us. I was pretty impressed! The only thing missing was the red carpet.
As a way of expressing my gratitude, I took inventory for the employees. "We need to restock the second shelf over here!"
I loved meeting all of the other people at happy hour. They were so complimentary of my looks and personality. Maybe it was the drinks, but I felt like giving out a few sloppy kisses.
Adopt me and all of the kisses can be yours!
As a way of expressing my gratitude, I took inventory for the employees. "We need to restock the second shelf over here!"
I loved meeting all of the other people at happy hour. They were so complimentary of my looks and personality. Maybe it was the drinks, but I felt like giving out a few sloppy kisses.
Adopt me and all of the kisses can be yours!
Tori Dave: 10/12 - Dinner Time
It's no joke that Dave is highly food motivated. I took this short video of him today to show how excited and happy he is about meal times. He knows right where he is supposed to go and happily waits for me to kennel the other foster before feeding him. I wanted to show him and how happy he gets because he doesn't always show really well at adoption events. He can be a bit shy in new situations but once he's used to something he is all love bug and happiness.
Blaze: 10/12 "Can I Help?"
Have you been looking for the perfect Greyhound companion? You will want to meet Blaze. She loves people and is happiest when she is a part of everything. My Greyhounds are content to lie on dog beds most of the day, while sweet Blaze chooses to be actively engaged.
Blaze makes sure I grind my coffee beans just right.
Blaze helps me dust, "Hey Food Lady, you missed a spot."
Updating my calendar. "Am I going to be adopted this month?"
Need help figuring out what's for dinner? "What's with the ice cubes, Food Lady?"
Bored washing windows? Not when Blaze is there.
Trying on new scrubs. "You got some treats in those pockets?"
Blaze makes cleaning the yard fun. "You missed some over there."
This beautiful girl is amusing and endearing. Her love of life makes me smile and laugh everyday. Blaze is ready to love and "help" her very own forever family.
Howie: 10/11 - You wouldn't know it but...
I was JUST playing with this pumpkin toy. By the time foster mom got her phone out to take a picture, I was ready to nap next to this pumpkin toy. Foster mom said I look "festive" and thought these pics would do for my blog.
I am a big goofy boy who loves to play and be with people. I've mastered the stairs, I do all of my business outdoors, eat well, and sleep through the night. My tail hardly ever stops wagging. I can't wait to find my forever family, continue to learn about life off the track, and live happily ever after!
I am a big goofy boy who loves to play and be with people. I've mastered the stairs, I do all of my business outdoors, eat well, and sleep through the night. My tail hardly ever stops wagging. I can't wait to find my forever family, continue to learn about life off the track, and live happily ever after!
Shaelee: 10/9 - Bedtime arrangements
Hey everyone!
Guess what? I am settling in to my foster home like a champ. It's easy-peasy except for one little aspect: sleeping arrangements. So I am just a bit nervous about starting these stairs in my foster home (they are tiny and curve!) so by the time my foster mom helps me I get up here this is what I see:
See?! No spot for me! So then I went and pouted at foster mom:
And she brought me up my very own bed! Don't I look cute? But let me tell you, that dog bed was not exactly to my liking, so later that night I pouted again and foster mom put a sheet over my bed and guess what? I was the one with the best bed and all my foster siblings were JEALOUS! I slept smiling all night.
Shaelee- 1 Foster siblings- 0
Guess what? I am settling in to my foster home like a champ. It's easy-peasy except for one little aspect: sleeping arrangements. So I am just a bit nervous about starting these stairs in my foster home (they are tiny and curve!) so by the time my foster mom helps me I get up here this is what I see:
See?! No spot for me! So then I went and pouted at foster mom:
And she brought me up my very own bed! Don't I look cute? But let me tell you, that dog bed was not exactly to my liking, so later that night I pouted again and foster mom put a sheet over my bed and guess what? I was the one with the best bed and all my foster siblings were JEALOUS! I slept smiling all night.
Shaelee- 1 Foster siblings- 0
xX Shaelee Xx
Kelley: 10/7
Hi everyone!!!
Sorry I haven't been around in a bit. I moved!!! And life is greyt!!
Guess what!!! I live with 2 little people! They are so cool! I don't much play with them, but I like to pull up a dog bed and watch them play all day. I don't even mind all those crazy noises little people make! I don't get nervous when they walk around me or anything! FoMa says I am a star when it comes to them! Whatever that means.
Anyway, I'm still handsome as ever!
I like toys a lot!!!
Excuse me.... Um, are you my new family??? If you think so, put your application in and come say hi!!
Here I am demonstrating my amazing skills of holding this bed down. It's a tough job, but I got it!!!
Sorry I haven't been around in a bit. I moved!!! And life is greyt!!
Guess what!!! I live with 2 little people! They are so cool! I don't much play with them, but I like to pull up a dog bed and watch them play all day. I don't even mind all those crazy noises little people make! I don't get nervous when they walk around me or anything! FoMa says I am a star when it comes to them! Whatever that means.
Anyway, I'm still handsome as ever!
I like toys a lot!!!
Excuse me.... Um, are you my new family??? If you think so, put your application in and come say hi!!
Here I am demonstrating my amazing skills of holding this bed down. It's a tough job, but I got it!!!
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