Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!

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Goldi (CG's Goldiluck): 10/29 - Pets on pets on pets

 Oh hai! Didn't see you there at first.

How's it going?

I will have you know that I ignored FoMo for three minutes yesterday after she defamed my character by insinuating that I was asleep on the job. The nerve. I only look like I'm sleeping, it's a disguise. I am always alert for the sound of snacks or the movement of FoMo getting up from her desk (in case she's going to get snacks). I am a big believer in one of the cardinal Greyhound rules: You never snack alone. 

I've been exploring more to find new things to stash in the crate. FoMo says I remind her of "Ariel," whoever that is, gathering up whatzits and thingamabobs.  

I guess she wanted to watch Animal Planet.

Aside from my burgeoning collection of trinkets, I've gotten good at collecting pets in the house! I don't really want to sit or sleep with you - I would really prefer to be left alone on my bed - but if it's been too long since you gave me scritches, I will be sure to let you know. A dog needs a certain amount every day, you know?

POV: You are relaxing on the couch when Goldi realizes it's pets o'clock and comes to collect her due.

I'll walk right up to you and gently nudge you to remind you to use your hands as they were intended: to rub my ears and scratch my back. I'll stay right there with you until alllllllll my itches are scratched and I've gotten your love, and then I'll head back to my bed to bask in that warmth and nap until pets o'clock comes around again. 

In the neighborhood, I like to study people a little bit before I go up to them. I need to evaluate whether they look like a Good Dog Petter, and if so, what side to approach. Sometimes I'm not into it. It's nothing personal - they're certainly welcome to worship from afar!

A good development in the petting/worshipping department: FoMo has been doing stretches with my right leg and toes. It feels weird to me, but I'll allow it. It comes with lots of other pets and scratches, too! This was me last night after my evening massage. I gave it a good stretch and roach and then rolled over and drifted off. 

I envy this degree of relaxation.