Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!

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Goldi (CG's Goldiluck): 10/27 - Well Hello There!

 Henlo frens! 

My name is Goldiluck, but please, call me Goldi. I've been staying with FoMo for a week now, and I gotta say, humans continue to be GREAT. FoMo has been saying my name and then giving me food a lot, which is the best deal ever. All I have to do is look at her. (Don't tell her I think this game is easy!!) I've gotten to meet the mail man and a whole bunch of people on our walks and they give me all the scritches I could ever want. I visited FoMo's mom (lots of pets, again, of course) and then one of her neighbors came out to meet me because I just looked so cute! Seriously, no one can resist me. Getting pets is my super power!

In the house, when I get excited, I smile. If you haven't been blessed by a smiling greyhound yet, FoMo says this is a good example. Kestral the Smiling Greyhound I mean you no harm, it's just that I show my enthusiasm on a scale of 0 - Infinity Teefs. FoMo says I'm even cuter than Kestral - I scrunch my snoot up and then snort a bunch, and I try to get close to you so that you understand just how happy I am. Meanwhile, my back end is wagging and I'm trying to stare up into your face to will you into petting me forever.  I'm a happy-go-lucky pup; I might smile at you when you bring my dinner, when you uncrate me for a walk, when you walk away from your desk and therefore have two hands that for some reason are not petting me, and even when you come back from the bathroom. 

I like being around people, and I sometimes bark when I'm alone. I have also been known to bark if you're just not paying attention to me. Uh hello, this adorable pup can't ear scritch herself! FoMo assures me that I can learn to relax and enjoy the quiet. Speaking of quiet time, I love my crate! I get all my meals in there, and FoMo lets me rest in the crate after I try/experience something new. It's so nice to get to just lie down and think about it. Plus FoSis can't snoop on me! And of course, no dwelling is complete without décor! I've been picking up FoSis's stuffies and bringing them to whatever bed I'm in. I have a whole stash in the crate, and one or two more around each of the other beds I frequent. Here's me showing off the collection and welcoming you to my humble abode.

FoMo calls this my hoard. I share it with her, obviously. Sometimes she takes things from my pile - I know she's just grateful I found that treasure for her!
(FoMo here: she picked up my glasses from my nightstand, and gave them back without fuss. Later, she snuck back in and snagged my sleeping mask. I found her sleeping on top of it in the crate😂 She has also picked up a stick of deodorant, a set of plastic utensils, and a roll of vet wrap. I've had no problems taking the not-toy items from her or from the crate, but she is so sneaky about rooting around in the home and finding things that she can pick up. And you may find things on the floor that she tried to take but couldn't grab successfully...she dropped my glasses case on FoSis one morning, haha.)

I choose to go hang out in the crate in the evenings sometimes, or during the day while FoMo is working (AKA using her hands to "type" instead of petting me. How rude!). So many fuzzy blankets to roll around in! And once, FoMo made a huge noise in the kitchen (I dropped the silverware basket from the dishwasher) and I went straight to the crate to hang out until the coast was clear. 

As you can see, it's a ruff life. FoMo said I couldn't eat the food on her plate. Fine. I'll just go  snore  suffer over here! And of course I took a stuffy with me to keep me company in exile. "You already had dinner." pffft. I'll show her. 

Here I am during happier times, napping and roaching with some stuffy friends. 💕

Time for me to get back to supervising FoMo's work day - talk to you again soon!


(Is Goldi working hard, or hardly working?  She's a very forgiving supervisor, at least! 
Aside from her strong nap game and her pilfered stuffy friend, you can see the repair from her broken leg on the right hind. It's healed beautifully and was a really fantastic repair. There's no pain and she's fine with you handling it. On the left hind, you'll see a bandage where she jumped down the stairs last night trying to get a squirrel. Just a scrape, but she kept licking it, so bandage it is. Eager as always for walks today!
She also carries the gene for Bald Thigh Syndrome. Play your cards right and she might win you a Barest (dog) Butt contest someday!)