Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!

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please check out our website!

PS. Don't forget to spread the word about all this cuteness on the blog! Please share blog posts on your personal social media accounts (links below each post) and like the GEGR Facebook page or follow us on Twitter for notifications when the blog is updated.

Endo (Lee Endo): 6/29 - I've Never Had a Bad Day

Hi All,

I wanted to share an update about Endo.  If you've kept up with his blogs you know he broke his leg while playing about 10 weeks ago.  He had surgery and was casted and did extremely well in recovery.  Never once did he complain having a cast or splint.  Never once did he complain having weekly bandage changes.  Never once did he have to be sedated for and splint changes.  Never once did he complain on the long car rides to and from the vets office. Never once has he met someone he hasn't wanted to make friends with.  Never once has anyone met him that didn't fall in love with him instantly.  Ever vet, every tech, every surgeon, every veterinary staff member that has interacted with him has remarked at what an amazing, sweet, friendly, joy filled, dog he is.  

Someone recently said about him "He's never had a bad day" and it is the absolute perfect tag line for this wonder boy.

About 3 weeks ago we started noticing some changed in his incision from where the plate was implanted in his leg.  Then we noticed some small openings in the incision.  His vet and surgeon were both consulted and some cultures and xrays were taken just to be sure there was no infection.  He was placed on antibiotics as a precaution but the xrays and the cultures came back negative.  The skin around the plate was failing.  We tried some wound care but the skin was too thin and continued to fail.  Last Tuesday morning he saw the wonderful surgeon at MedVet and the plate was removed.  Fortunately the wound was able to be closed and his sutures come out in another 10 days.  The surgeon said the bone fusing was looking fantastic.  He is in another splint, which will get changed weekly until he is released for rehab.  

Needless to say we were all very concerned and disappointed he had to have surgery again, but true to his personality he has handled everything thrown at him with a smile.  I cannot say enough wonderful things about him and his positive attitude about everything he's been thru.  

Endo will be available for adoption thru Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue once he is thru the splint changes and soft bandaging, and finally rehab.  He will need to rebuild the muscle again once he's able to exercise.  In the meantime, he spends his days enjoying his naps and meals.  Please continue to follow his recovery and rehab here and watch for updates because as he becomes more mobile we will share his progress with everyone.  

Clay (L Clay): 6/27 - A Lean Guy

FoMa says I’m a leaner. I’m not really sure what that means but it’s supposed to be a good thing. I really love to get pets and just need to cuddle and therefore I will put my head on hound or human. 

Though I like to be close I am also more confident in getting my time in to just lounge and rest either near the pack or on my own. 

Anyway, here’s me just enjoying retirement! 

- Clay 

FoMa’s house guest, Hannah was really nice and she let me snuggle with her.

My first roach! 

I like to rest my head sometimes. 

This is me and my FoSis, Rya getting our rest on. 

Another visiting greyhound, Sunny and I sharing some floor. 

Rusty (Rusty Nail): 6/25 - Outside is the Best!

✨ Hello everybody! ✨ 

One of my favorite things (which I always make time for in my busy schedule of eating, napping, smelling, & following Foster Mom around the house) is enjoying the outdoors!
🌳 🪴 ☀️ 

I love looking out the front door, exploring the back yard, snoozing in the sun, going for walks, helping my Foster Parents take care of their garden, and greeting everyone who walks past the house (sometimes with a bark if I am feeling extra welcoming). 😜 

I would love a forever home with an outdoor space for me to “enjoy” (take over as my own 😉) and a family who doesn’t mind that I want to be close by and helpful for every task.
am VERY curious and helpful. 👍🏼

Have a great weekend! I know I will! 

🤎 Rusty

Turbo (RF Turam): 6/24 - Cutest Sleeper Ever?

 Hi Everyone! It's me, Turbo, again!!

It's good to see you again! I want to get your opinion on something today. Uncle Chris says I'm a hilariously cute sleeper. Seriously? Is this even a category of a thing?

Anyroo, see what you think...

Exhibit: A - not really that strange for a greyhound.

That first one isn't that weird, right? Just a smooshed nose?

Mouth open and dreaming away.

Again, I would bark, "Cute, but not hilarious"

Okay, I might agree with you on these.

Can't argue with those last few, I guess. But cute is cute, am I right?

Don't forget, I'm not quite ready for adoption yet as I build up a few more skills, but I will be soon!

Love and nose bumps,

Nap (Atascocita Nap): 6/20 - The Cutest

 I told my foster mom to show everyone how cute I am - Nap

Yay toys!!!


Did someone say treat??

Snoozing with my best buddy Miller.

Rusty (Rusty Nail): 6/17 - Comfort Expert

I figured out something very important this week, friends: I love naps! 

Like here, in the sunshine: ☀️ 

And here, upside down and using furniture to support/enhance my comfort: 🙃

And here, outside of the bathroom impatiently waiting for foster mom to feed me: 😩

I can make myself comfortable almost anywhere. 😉 

🤎 Rusty

Clay (L Clay): 6/15 - Is a Player!

 I like stuffys a lot and love to play tug of war with my FoSis, Rya! - Clay 

Tug of war is fun! I’m the blond guy…

Rusty (RS Rusty Nail): 6/14 - Getting Comfortable!

Hey friends! 👋🏼  I am learning so much about being a house dog. I’m getting better about knowing the rules and being comfortable with my foster humans and siblings. I like to approach new people and situations on my own terms, and sometimes my own terms mean that my foster humans have to be extra patient with me. I have recently discovered that I love to cuddle!

I like to nap in the sun on the front porch and check out everyone who walks by. I like to awkwardly stare at people and dogs, but weird things like bicycles, skateboards, and tiny humans in wagons make me a bit nervous. I especially love the FedEx man because he gives me treats. That’s the way to my heart! 

🤎 Rusty

Nap (Atascocita Nap): 6/13 - Retirement

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a while since you heard from me, but I’ve been working very hard at getting used to this whole retirement thing.  

My foster mom says I’m like a completely different dog than when I first got here.  

At my foster house, I have two wolfhound sisters and a crazy greyhound brother, my foster mom is also babysitting another retired greyhound and I love him the most.  This is us:

Slumber balls are the greatest thing ever made, after food of course.  I’m always thinking about snacks.  Snacks are the way to my heart. 

Foster mom says I’m like an onion, my personality has lots of layers and I’m worth the work to get to know them all.  I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean :shrug: 

I like to bark at things, like the neighbor cat that sits in my front yard or the humans when they are taking too long to make my dinner. The humans tell me I’m sassy.  

I don’t mean to brag or anything, but I’m really good at the stairs, and I have way better leash manners than my brother Dare. That dude is a mess, but I don’t mind hanging out with him. I love all hound dogs.  

Well, here are some more cute pictures of me and my friends (I’m the redhead):  

Love, Nap.  

Clay (L Clay): 6/9 - Presenting ME!

I am enthusiastic when it comes to wanting your attention but FoMa, my two FoBros and Sis have welcomed me with open arms and paws and are helping me to blend into a family setting. I’ve made GREYT strides in sharing and waiting my turn. I am a very nice boy who loves pettins, lounging, sniffing and running around my new fenced-in backyard and I enjoy when my FoSis Rya initiates play with me. My FoBros Oberon and Raif share toys with me, too! There’s a lot of toys to choose from here! 

- Clay

Me and my FoBros and Sis! Waiting my turn for treats. 

Presenting: Me! 💛

Sharing a bed and a duck with FoSis, Rya.

Rusty (RS Rusty Nail): 6/8 - Birthday!

🎉 GUYS! I'm 3! 🎉 

Yesterday, I turned into a mature 3 year old boy 😉 who loves snuggles, following my foster humans everywhere, and eating all the delicious foods (like bananas, apples, hot dogs, cheese, yogurt…  pretty much everything except broccoli 😑).

I had a great day and I hope you have one today too! 

🤎 Rusty

Kain (Superior Kain): 6/4 - Stair Master!

Hi Friends, 

I've been working hard on learning steps, walking with manners, and sleeping through the night. Foster Mom says I will make my new family very happy. I'm a very happy hound, and I have an easygoing personality. With a little patience, Foster Mom showed me how to go up and down the stairs, and after about a week of guided practice, I started to use them all by myself! Now, I love to use the stairs!

Foster Mom has three dogs, and I get along with all of them. It didn't take long for me to realize I love to lounge around with everyone upstairs, and I even get to sleep in my own x-pen upstairs at night...with my foster siblings in the same room! It's so comforting. 

During the workday, I do just fine in my crate. I'm always excited to see Foster Mom come home, but I'm not stressed during the day. 

- Kain

Dresser (Flashey Dresser): 6/4 - June Pics

3 dog night... or day! Dresser is the one with his head hanging off the pillow! 

This time Dresser is sharing Jake’s pillow with him! 

Coco and Dresser!

“ Derpy” Dresser with Fo sis, Jessy! 

Clay (L Clay): 6/2 - The First Lady and Me

 Hi! Clay here. I took a fun trip with my FoMa to a big place! We went to George Washington’s house.

We saw some BIG animals!

We saw some buildings and some houses.

Last, but not least, we met Lady Washington! She said I am very handsome.