Hello, Kitty here. I thought you might like to know a bit more about me. Here goes...
Even though I love to nap and relax, my foster parents say I am a "busy body". If I catch them walking past from one room to another, I'll jump right up to see what's going on! I really, really, really want to be where the action is.
I love my routine and expect my breakfast, dinner and supper to be served at the same time every day. I'll either give you my big brown eyes or start pacing around if meal service is just one minute late! The good news is that I am a very neat eater and drinker and never make any mess. I even like to go to the bathroom in the same spot in the yard!
I don't need big long walks or lots of running around, but I need to do something every day to get rid of some energy. I think I would like a forever family that is either happy to take me on regular walks each day or has a yard I can do zoomies in. Maybe both?!
I have made so much progress since I've been in my foster home. I was scared of lots of stuff when I first arrived, but I've become braver and braver each day. I'm fantastic with stairs, and now I realize the trash truck isn't out to get me every Thursday morning (but maybe the recycling one is?). New things can still be a bit scary, though. I saw someone jump on a trampoline yesterday, and that gave me cause for concern! I was fine eventually, though...
One thing is for sure: I am a sweet, funny and loving greyhound!
- Kitty