Hi it’s Manny! The last few days I’ve been learning to do ‘stuff’. Like going for a walk to the pet store to choose a treat. I love going for walks, although I get a little frightened by big noises like cars and buses going by. My foster parents say I’ll get used to it eventually though.
When I’m not out exploring I love to have naps and quiet time. So far the best thing about retirement is having a long nap, then waking up to have a yummy dinner 🍗🦴
Retirement has been great, but it’s not always smooth sailing. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night not sure where I am. My foster sister is a beagle who every now and then walks up stairs when I’m trying to play with her. I can’t do stairs yet so sometimes I feel like she’s avoiding me!
My foster parents say that my forever family will need to be patient, loving, and gentle with me. Plus as excited to see me as I am them at the end of the day. I hope that will be you!
- Manny