So we’re getting close to an adopt-a-thon. I’m not sure if all fosters feel the conflict of will my charge find his own family this weekend or do I get to enjoy them for a little while longer. Regardless I know between four and seven of these magnificent goofy hounds are going to start a new life with their very own family this weekend and continue their life’s adventure.
Many many volunteers have worked long hard hours to bring these dogs to this point. Not all are fosters parents but each have pitched in, in so many different ways to make it happen. If you’re coming to the adopt-a-thon take a little bit to look and see all the volunteers and how their leaning in to help these hounds find your home.
My friend Jet wants to thank all the people at GERG. I’m almost there.
To my future family Oh Boy...... Oh Boy......Oh Boy.....My tail is already wagging...... I just can’t wait to meet you. This is gonna be Greyt.....