Hi, I'm Ursala. |
Hi everyone, it's me, Ursala? Don't know me yet? You will soon, because I want to know everyone and everything.
Yesterday was the first real day of my retirement. After I got my bath and my mani-pedi, I got in a car with my foster mom, L. L says I'm a greyt passenger, because I just curled up on the dog bed and slept the whole way. On our way home, we stopped so I could meet my foster dad, J, and take a little walk by his work. L thought I might be scared because there is lot's of traffic near his work, but I wasn't; I just wanted to explore everything.
Look, it moves! I wonder what it is. |
When L and I got home, we took another walk with my new foster brother, Mr. G. Apparently, when Mr. G first came here, he was scared to walk, but I'm not. There was so much to see! We got to see the metro train, strollers, and bikes, and also other dogs. I wanted to meet all of the other dogs—I never knew there were so many other dogs besides greyhounds! Now, I know there are corgis and pugs and labs and so many more.
Miss Thing has my bed ☹. |
After this walk, I also learned about another new thing: C-A-T-S. The cat here is known as Miss Thing, because L says she is the big boss of everyone. I was really curious about Miss Thing, but L told me not to bother her, so I didn't. No need to focus on one thing when there are so many other things in the world to explore!
I also got to practice my alone time, which I wasn't sure about. I've never been alone before! But then I got dinner, so really, I guess it's not bad. Plus, L used my alone time to get pillows for my new bed! That was great, except Miss Thing stole the bed and wouldn't give it back. I guess that's what you get to do when you're the boss.
Mr. G hogs the seat. |
This morning L, Mr. G, and I took another long walk. Then we went to the Towson PetSmart for a meet and greet. L said she hadn't been planning to take me, but I then I told her I want to learn about everything! Mr. G and I had to ride in the back together. He is a space hog. When we got there, there were lots of other greyhounds, but I impressed everyone because I was so outgoing event though I just came from the track yesterday. Honestly, I don't know what the big deal is—doesn't everyone just want to explore the world?
Bye for now! |
Now I'm tired and napping on my new bed—which I finally got back from Miss Thing—while I dictate this blogpost to L. Do you think it's almost dinner time yet?
Bye for now!
P.S. I let L pick the title of this blogpost, because she helped me write it. She works with computers and thinks it's funny, but I don't get it.