Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!

For more information about GEGR,
please check out our website!

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Sandy (Alto Sun Sand): 3/8 - Slumber Party

The adventures continue! Thankfully, it's starting to get warmer out. I think my face says it all - I am tired of ice!
But lying in the sun is nice, especially when I can both be in the sun AND have a snack...
I've been exploring every inch of FauxHome - you never know where treats might be hidden!
FoSis had a birthday, so we got special birthday treats and FoMo even had us do a little art project. I would never drop hints, but my birthday is coming up in July (the big 5!) and I love treats! FoMo even put our art up once it was dry.
I enjoy trips in the car! I like to look out the windows and take naps, and I am quick to jump in. FoMo insists on buckling me in for my safety, but I don't mind. I just can't wait to get to wherever we're going so that she can let me out and I can explore. Until then, I'll just be a quiet backseat driver!
After car naps, it is of course time for bed naps. I've also continued the hard work of supervising FoMo during the workday. It's a tough job, but somedoggy's got to do it! Sometimes I take a few of my favorite things with me, in case I need them mid-nap - a squeaky toy and a yak chew. Best to be prepared!

P.S. FoMo saw my last message. She says I can't just demand snuggles, that I shouldn't be rude. So with that in mind...send snuggles *please*!