Windy Trixie
Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!
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Sandy (Alto Sun Sand): 2/3 - Snuggles and Snowflakes
One of my favorite things to do is follow FoMo around the house. I just like to keep an eye on her - and besides, maybe she has food!
A big rule in the FauxHome is that I'm not allowed on the furniture. I keep asking, and she keeps saying no. But she comes and sits with me on the floor, and she even laid down on a dog bed - perfect! I was able to reach her and I curled up right next to her. After all, I don't want to sleep through her getting up in case she's getting up to get food!
And then when it's time for bed, I wait until she gets into bed, and then I go to check on her. I like to send her thoughts for dreams of bunnies - and a reminder about breakfast in the morning!
Life inside FauxHome is good - three meals a day, snacks and lots of beds for naps. I will admit though - this Florida girl is a little confused by the weather outside FauxHome. FoMo has had to put a second jacket on me for walks - I wasn't about to turn back for home but I was shivering a little. AND THEN there was this snow stuff! At first, it was fun! A little cold on my paws, but soft and it made funny noises as we walked through it.
It was even ok when it was a couple inches deep. But what is this thing where it's crunchy on top and then I fall through it? This sort of thing didn't happen in Florida! Still, there's no leaving me behind when a walk is involved.
FoMo took us to a tennis court so that we could explore together. Foster sis had to check out every animal track, which let me nose around the place at my own pace. There was so much to sniff! It also let me try walking on snow on my own. Totally manageable, although my feet got a little cold.
FoMo says I'm being very brave and she's proud of me. Foster sis LOVES snow and she wants to run around and do zoomies. She even tried to get me to play. I'm just not sure yet...not sure how I feel about this cold stuff, and I don't understand why it doesn't just stay soft and fluffy. I'm gonna give it a chance though. Hopefully, more walks will help me figure this "snow" out! And then we get back inside and FoMo gives each of my paws a nice massage with a warm towel and we each get a little cookie. This gets me ready to snag the bed by the balcony door so that I can snooze and watch the snow. Gotta rest up to be ready for whatever tomorrow brings!