Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!

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Everette (Finish Him): 2/10 - Birthday Fun

The Fo-dads have beds in nearly every room for us, but I’ve found it’s just too much work, and I like to plop down on the rugs near the door. This way, I can monitor everything going on in and out, plus get some sun. 

It was my Fo-da’s birthday yesterday, so I wanted to show him I care. I gave him a card, but I took a fluffy yellow blanket in the evening and pulled it to lay next to him while he was on the sofa. 

And then they’ve been trying to have me walk upstairs. I’ve not wanted to, but I gave him a surprise belated birthday present by going up to the bedroom with him this morning. I am so good I’m just a blur in the picture and he seemed really happy for this gift (it’s nice to give back).