They finally figured out that I LOVE to hike!! Nothing challenges me and I'm always up for a good day on the trails. And seriously, I don't hesitate wanting to go everywhere and anywhere! Being right up in the front is my favorite.
I was sooo excited for this hike because I got to meet up with my first foster mom and sis!!!! It was awesome ~ they love hiking too! The entire pack went on this one so there were 8 of us! Everyone loved seeing a whole pack of dogs walking so nicely together (of course, they loved us greyhounds the best)
We took a little break here on a small beach by the river. That's me resting my head on Selene, my first sis. (Have I mentioned I like to cuddle?) Foster peeps gotta get more pics of hiking because it's another favorite! I love to lead the way so follow me and I'll find some awesome places to go. Oh and I hope you can keep up!
Catch ya later!!