So, I've had a bit of a journey and at a new foster. I loved my first adopters but I wasn't quite sure of those fluffies and was just a little too curious. There was a greyhound sister and I loved her too!
I just couldn't get over my infatuation with those kitties though, so we decided to play it safe. I really hope they find their perfect match because they were so nice! Here's where my new journey begins.
The new foster peeps have a crazy hectic house! I have 2 greyhound foster brothers and 2 pittie foster sisters. I love each one of them so much! I hope my forever home has foster siblings too, but I'd be okay if I got all the attention ... and I mean ALL of the attention!
So, my first day there, I joined right in on their walks. They were so impressed at how polite I am while walking. I'm not really interested in much while we're out and about; just the occasional alert if there's another dog walking too. But, I don't even try to go see them like my foster brothers do.
Don't we look good together?
I'm also VERY curious! I have to get a sniff of everything while I'm figuring out this new place. And I love watching out the window just to see birds flying, people walking and cars driving by.
I wonder how far I can watch those people walk? It's pretty exciting here and I'm loving every minute of my new friends. I'd also love every minute of being with a forever home too so don't forget to add me to your list!
I'm gonna go check out some more things so I'll catch ya later!