Hi Friends!
Mandy here. I'm so glad you're back for more Tails from Retirement. My latest adventure was my biggest so far and unlike anything I've experienced before. My foster family met up with some of their friends and took me to the Blue Ridge Parkway. I got to try this thing called "hiking". I figured out pretty quickly that it's like going for a walk, but in the woods and you have to climb up and down rocks. But that's no problem at all!
Why is that, you may ask?
1) I love taking walks
2) I'm unstoppable in these new booties
3) I'm always up for a new adventure
4) I've discovered I'm a natural
Taking care of business before our hike and saying hello to my foster brother's friends, Maya and Paso. |
Rocking my booties as I warm up for the hike. |
All warmed up and ready to go. Bring on the trail! |
Starting our hike on the Appalachian Trail. |
Hiked my way to Cedar Cliffs. |
Appreciating the view. Who knew a pup from the track could experience a place like this? Life really is greyt! |
Enjoying a beautiful day in the Great Outdoors. |
Taking a well deserved water break with my friend, Maya, as we chat about brood mom stuff. |
I was born to hike...er, run... You know what I mean! |
Chilling at a dog-friendly brewery post-hike while the humans have lunch. |
The perfect end to an exciting day. Dreaming of all the adventures I'll take with my Forever Family. |
Anyway, that's all for now. I've been spending the last few days recovering from all the excitement of the past weekend, so I probably won't have any more outings for a few days. I know you'll want to see my pretty face in the meantime. My foster parents are always following me around snapping too many pictures. I'm sure they have more than a few to share on my next blog post.
Until next time,