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Cruisn Susan, aka Snoozin' Susan !

Time to to introduce myself. I'm Cruisn Susan, aka Susan, Suzie, Sue, Snoozin' Susan. I've been in retirement now for a whole 10 days and boy do I love it!

Foster Ma and Pa are super impressed how quickly I'm settling into retirement life. Let me tell you about some of the things I've been doing since I left my racing life in VA.

First of all, I'm staying in the big city of Baltimore. Fo' Ma and Pa live in a quiet neighborhood but they've taken me out walking on some of the busier city streets. I don't mind cars and buses and trucks at all even when they're loud. Fo' Ma says I haven't heard a real siren up close yet, but I heard one not so far away and I wasn't phased at all.

Speaking of noises, mostly I don't mind them but I am a little afraid of thunder and loud rain. We had a storm one night and Fo' Ma and Pa came downstairs to see how I was doing. Well I went into the crate all by myself cuz I know that's a safe place. I didn't whine or pace or carry on but Fo' Ma says she was a bit worried about me. She sat with me a little while and gave me some of my calming treats and I did fall back to sleep again and in the morning it just felt like I had a bad dream.

So why do they call me Snoozin' Susan? Rumor has it that I don't like to go outside but let me tell you, that is SO NOT TRUE! I love going outside. Outside is one of my favorite things. There are people and dogs and smells and flowers and soft green grass and funny noises like little humans laughing and playing. I love everything about outdoors. It just takes me a moment to remember just how much I love outdoors. Think of it this way, if you had lived all of your life in an institution that's a bit more regimented than retirement, and then you suddenly got to go stay in a 5 star hotel, would you want to always get up quickly, leave your soft bed and toys and treats and go outside? But I think I'm starting to learn that the 5 star hotel doesn't go away and I can enjoy both!

Fo' Ma thought I wasn't interested in squirrels or anything but I showed her this evening. Squirrels are so cool! They're just asking to be chased. Fo' sister Opal clued me in on that one. And those city squirrels, they think they're so chill and they act like they're not scared at all and you can get up real close to them. Good job me and Opie had our leashes on!

Speaking of Fo' sister Opal, Fo' Ma and Pa sez she's being a good girl and showing me the retirement life ropes. They weren't sure how she would like having a newbie in the house but she seems to like it a whole lot, (probably cuz I'm such a great house guest). I think I would love to have a sister or brother in my forever home. Every time I see a dog outside I want to go and say hi. But I'm pretty chill and I think I'd be ok by myself cuz I really love humans too. I love humans so much, I get really excited every time I meet a new one.  Sometimes I get up on two legs and try to hug them but Fo' Ma sez not all humans like that and I could scare someone. Scare them? Really? I'm not scary at all, I'm just so full of love! But I'm learning how to be more appropriate so everyone will just love me right back.

Uh, oh. I'm feeling that snoozin' part of me comin' on.  Think I need to wrap it up for tonight. But I'll be back! So much to tell about this new retirement life. It's the best! Fo' Ma sez I should start thinking about my top 10 list of likes so far. Boy, it'll be hard to stick to only 10 but I'll start workin' on it!