Foster Mom likes coffee out on the deck. Me? Well, I like to stick my snout into the neighbor lady's business. Why do humans do yard work? It's just gonna to grow again. Seems like a perfectly wasted opportunity to take a nap if you ask me.
Speaking of plants, did you know humans tend to not appreciate when you try to eat their plants? It's nature! It's everywhere. Can't they just go get more? Humans are weird. They're so lucky to have us dogs around to keep them on their toes.
Another weird thing humans care about... they have this tiny human in the house that has his own toys! What? Why's he so special? I want to play with them, but Foster Mom starts in with that "leave it" business again. What gives, lady?! I mean, I'd let him play with my toys if he wanted.
Foster Mom took a couple photos of me and my foster sisters. She definitely captured my good side.
That's me in the middle. Center of attention - AS IT SHOULD BE.
In a past life, I was clearly a makeup artist. Look at my eyeliner! (It's not actual eyeliner, I was just born gorgeous.) I'm so pretty...and slightly self-indulgent. Whatevs. (Note to self: Get a wig, preferably blonde, so I can flip my hair all sassy-like next time.)