Welcome to the Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue (GEGR) blog page! Here you will find information about our current foster dogs, events, and other information. We are located in Southern Maryland region and help racing Greyhounds into retirement throughout Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and the Washington, D.C areas! Whether you are looking for a 4-legged family member, a volunteer opportunity, or for new friends, we are excited you are here!

For more information about GEGR,
please check out our website!

PS. Don't forget to spread the word about all this cuteness on the blog! Please share blog posts on your personal social media accounts (links below each post) and like the GEGR Facebook page or follow us on Twitter for notifications when the blog is updated.

Hi, D Ark Allie here

Hello, my name is D Ark Allie, but you can call me Allie. I'm a sweet, mellow girl that just goes with the flow. I'm laid back, but curious, so I'll follow you around to see what you're up to.

I had a fun ride home with my foster mom. Being curious and all I searched the whole car for exciting new stuff but it was pretty clean--and boring. When I arrived at my foster home I met another greyhound--yeah!!-- and a tiny little thing that they tell me is a dog too. I like them both and I watch what they do and follow them to see how things run around here. I like to follow my foster parents and kids around too, and lay my head on them for a nice comfortable cuddle.

I found the toy box and wow!!!- they have a lot of toys. I've started collecting them from around the house and putting them in my bed--yeah I have a few nice comfy beds here and I like to try them all out. Here's a pic of me with my toys--hey you can never have enough toys, eh?

Steps, you ask? Of course I know about those things. I'll post a video that works next time and show you just how graceful I am on those things.