Today I attended my very first meet and greet at my Foster mom's work and it was awesome. I loved coming up to all the people and getting some love. Whenever a new person approached, I was the first dog in! Foster mom says I'm outgoing- whatever that means. In the picture, I am the cute one on the right.
This week I gave myself a voice. I discovered that I like to bark a little. I did it today when I heard a lawnmower turn on. I kind of like the sound I make. Foster mom thinks I am one of a kind. Another funny thing she says about me is that I like to submerge my whole muzzle in my water bowl to drink. Well, I never thought it was that strange. 🙃. My Foster mom laughs and calls me a duck. I have no idea what or who that is.
One thing I am really enjoying is walks. I love to check this new world out. There are so many things to do and see! It's very exciting! I am hoping I'll meet my forver family soon and I can show them how loving I am.
Love, Date